There are plenty ways you can harm your precious strands of hair without
even knowing. Jumia Travel <>, the leading online
travel agency shares 10 of these ways.
*Packing Your Hair Too Tightly*
Especially for females, anything too tight, particularly when done with
rough elastic, can be damaging to your hair because they pull at your scalp
and irritate your strands eventually causing hair breakage and damage to
your roots. When packing your hair, gently pull it back with bobby pins,
claws or elastic covered in fabric rather than packing too tightly.
*Not Cleaning Your Styling Tools*
If you fail to clean out those hairy brushes and combs, they become
breeding grounds for germs and old residue. These germs and residue can
irritate your scalp and clog the pores on your head. You should therefore
remove hair from your brushes and combs after each styling session, and
once a month clean them with a little baking soda and water to remove the
oil and products that get stuck in its bristles.
*Infusing Your Hair with Too Much Chemicals*
Too many artificial chemicals are bad for your hair. They can cause
breakage and damage to your hair, especially when done often. Try to keep
chemical processes on your hair to a minimum and avoid using them often.
*Heat Styling Too Often With High Heat*
Excess heat strips the hair of its natural moisture, causing your hair
cuticles to dry and snap off. Over time, your hair starts to look dull and
starts to suffer permanent damage. To remedy this, avoid heat styling your
hair at very high temperatures – don’t turn the heat all the way up. Also,
try to heat style occasionally, rather than doing so on a daily basis, and
avoid heat styling wet hair because wet hair is more fragile.
This weakens your hair, leaving it dull and damaged over time, your hair
then starts to look brittle and dry rather than luxurious and shiny. If you
cannot do without perms, avoid doing it often, only do it once awhile.
*Highlights and Colouring*
Over time, these change the inner structure of your hair making it look
lackluster and dry, especially if they are done frequently to hide root
colour or grey hair. The easy solution will be to avoid doing this often.
*Excessive Brushing*
Excessive brushing can cause split-ends and hair breakage because excessive
brushing causes too much consistent friction for the hair to handle. Low
quality brushes just make matters worse because they cause snags and
tangles worsening split ends and hair breakage.
Braiding especially when done too tightly, or on wet hair, can cause the
hair to break and pull out the hair. If it is done too often, permanent
hair damage can occur.
*Over-Shampooing and Vigorous Hair Washing*
Over-washing washes away your hair’s natural moisture making your hair dry.
You can actually tell you’re over-washing your hair when it starts to look
dull. This means it’s time to scale back on the washing. Also, avoid being
too vigorous when washing your hair to avoid damaging your hair cuticle.
*Extensions and Weaves*
The effect of extensions and weaves on your hair is much like braids. They
pull at the scalp eventually causing damage to the roots. The discomfort
you feel on your scalp indicates their pressure on your roots. Over time,
they leave the hair broken and brittle. To temper its effect, you can avoid
wearing extensions and weaves for a long time. You can also make use of
wigs – they make life so much easier.
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