By Sir Jude Ejiogu
“In the turn of events, the sweets of economic, political and social privileges, that are a monopoly of only one section of a community, turn sour even in the mouths of those who eat them”. These are the words of Chief Albert Lituli, a South African freedom fighter. For some school of thought, of whom I subscribe to, politicians are presumed to be servants, to the masses, synonymous to men of God, and are obliged to work in the absolute interest of the populace to ensure economic and social justice.
Though, that is an expectant of many, our contemporary political setting across our rich continent, has endured many forms of despotic and greedy style of governance, which have been the bane of our socio-economic development, despite the enormous natural resources our soil is endowed with.
Life is all about ups and downs where every individual think from different directions. Few privileged ones see lives of ordinary citizens as something they can toil with or manipulate at will. Many a time, some people insanely assume the place of God using their connections, positions, wealth or education as a morale inoculation with little or no regard for supreme authority.
In the past and even currently, many political gladiators have boasted over how the future could be manipulated to favour their interest, but none has ever thought whether his or her life can be stretched to accommodate the future even though the future is neither here nor there.
A situation where individuals especially, the political leaders predict future happenings when their “NOW” is still counting is not only pathetic, pitiable or sorrowful but an instinctive calculated misdemeanour a healthy and sound sense can resolve.
According to Tim Woods, a Communication Consultant, it’s” Better to be the architect of something you can endorse than the placard waving protagonist standing in the rain.” One does not start a fuse he knows he cannot withstand, when one has concluded of his or her victory without first weighing the components in which the decision revolves, it is always certain that doom and gloom are the order of the day.
In the book of Mathew 6 vs. 34, the Bible says “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble”. The Almighty God is very pained when one of his children is desperate for the things of the world while abandoning the reality of life. The Lord Jesus is not only angry but he is very aggressive when people boast over what they know not, who knows tomorrow? Who is sure of his or her life for tomorrow? How convinced are you, “the desperado” that you will make it into tomorrow, let alone 2019 that is over 500 days from now? Oh…may God have mercy!!!
When these distractions, mouth wagging and boast continue to ooze out in view of the 2019 Governorship election in Nigeria, a curious mind cannot fold his or her arms without remembering the proverbial rhythm of “Inine and Agadi Nwanyi” by a music maestro, a high life czar, Chief Osita Osadebe of the blessed memory. In this story according to him, the old woman (agadi nwanyi) was sure and prepared to eat the non-conventional cocoyam (inine) with or without any knowledge that the cocoyam (inine) was set to purge her. This is the irony of life!
Little did the old woman knew the magical power of the (inine) than it tactically fought back leading to the destruction of the old woman. How the mighty has fallen! It is one of the dividends of greed and desperation.
However, if any person had told the old woman not to dare eat the cocoyam in view of its impending doom, she would have tagged the “good Samaritan” as her worse enemy. Various quotes by experienced philosophers assert that “Political necessities sometime turn out to be political mistakes.” In the words of George Bernard Shaw “When smashing monuments, save the pedestals; they always come in handy; something unpleasant is coming when men are anxious to tell the truth”. I wonder if men of sound mind have forgotten that “Even the best intentioned of great men need a few scoundrels around them; there are some things you cannot ask an honest man to do” so said by La Bruyere.
Obviously, one should know that election is an exercise where the people revenge, a good number of wealthy people in the world are noisy, pompous and egocentric. To justify this harmless claim, the Bible states that whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled; and whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted. The doubting Thomases can read the following chapters and verses: Mathew 23 vs. 12, Job 22 vs. 29, Proverb 29 vs. 23, Luke 14 vs. 11, 18 vs. 14, James 4 vs. 6, and 1 Peter 5 vs. 6 to guide them on the need to be humble and just.
Why are majority of our pupils still schooling under trees? Why are majority of our people still illiterates? Why are 60% of our population farmers, yet we cannot boast of food security? Why are our taps and electricity still not flowing, even in major city centers? Why are second cycle and tertiary institutions panning out to be, just for a privilege few?
Why do we still resort to foreign donors when we call ourselves an independent nation? Why do politicians become so rich over night, especially when they find themselves in the corridors of political power? Why do politicians accord themselves bountiful privileges and emoluments without recourse to the masses that are hovering in the shackles of poverty? These and other legitimate questions shall remain on the lips of many, for decades, and posterity shall demand answers from our current crop of leaders.
Undoubtedly, one can purport, we elect leaders to enrich themselves and their cronies other than looking beyond themselves. This perception is rife, and it cast a slur on the integrity of all politicians, be it good or bad. I believe therefore, some progress have been chalked; however, much could have been done to alleviate the woes of the people. Our nightmare could be linked to, lack of political will, leadership, greediness, corruption, misplaced priorities etc.
Our economy today can best be described as a “stagnated economy”, successive governments that should have instilled political stability has failed to turn the fortunes of the nation around, to meet the aspiration of its people.
It is intriguing, when during every electioneering year; all political parties keep repeating the archaic message of providing basic necessities such as water, shelter, food, schools etc to the people. Humiliating it is, after years of independence, we are still struggling to provide basic necessities of life to our people, while our contemporaries in other continents with little or no natural resources, the likes of Ghana have been able to wane themselves from those doldrums.
Today, most people, take-up politics as a short-cut to riches, endangering the growth and transformation of the economy and as well, denting the image of persons with good intentions and pure motives to serve the country, for the common good of all.
Africa and for that matter Nigeria, need a different approach to its style of leadership and governance, if it is poised to succeed, and be part of the over-growing transformational world. All persons, yielding political power, must be prepared to sacrifice and put the nation above them and their interest; that indeed, will arouse the true beauty of patriotism, nationalism and restore the hope and progress, our forebears had fought, and always craved for.
I dream of a Nigeria were young men and women will have access to a better education and secure better jobs, so they can live independent of their parents. I dream of a Nigeria, were housing will be “affordable” to all manner of persons, be it rich or poor, and that basic amenities will be available to all, irrespective of their geographical location. It is not beyond us, we can, if therefore, we set our priorities right and respect our nation and the office without greed and imposition. Cheers!
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