If you are comfortable to travelling alone, you should be on the lookout for a travel companion. It may probably be an arduous task finding someone because of the differences in attitudes, values and beliefs but if you eventually meet that person, it can add some spark to your travel within Nigeria and beyond. In light of this, Jovago.com, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal shares tip on how to get a fit travel companion.

Run away from people who nag
The nagging traveler complains about any and everything. Their tongues are very lethal and these are not the kind of people you really want to have as a travel companion. Both of you may even end up taking different paths home because you cannot seem to understand them.
Have something in common
Two people cannot move together unless they agree. If both travelers do not agree or have anything in common, it is a recipe for disaster. So, if you cannot agree on visiting Ikot Ekpene, and reach a compromise; both of you have no business travelling together. Travelers must have shared interests to make the travel worthwhile.

Agree on the same budget
A budget is a clear and unambiguous outline of your travel expenditure. A well-planned budget will largely help you check your spending. If you are shrewd and the prospective travel companion is extravagant, there will always be a problem in agreeing to a budget. Before, you settle for anyone, ensure that you can agree on the same budget. You may not consent to everything but at least on important items in the budget.

Road-test your travel companion
Before you commit to long distance travel, you should road test your travel companion. You can offer to take them to a place like Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC). On the journey, consciously observe their habits, spending, and enthusiasm. You can even book a hotel to determine if you can stay in the same room with them or not especially for a person who snores. If they tick all the right boxes, you can then decide if you want to travel with them or not.

Make conversation with the person
Prior to travelling, you should have a conversation with the person so that both of you can be on the same page. Making conversation, helps you address any potential travel problem. But if you cannot interact with the person, it is advisable to shelf the idea of traveling with such a person.
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