Yvonne Nelson:

Date a guy that says things like drive safe, text me when you get home, let’s hang out with your family, please be careful, how was your day and I am so proud of you.
Kate Henshaw:

May this month yield for us our dreams and desires in him. May we go further than we imagined. May his never ending love continue to abide.
Ice Prince:

To all those I’ve inspired in whatever way, you’ve inspired me twice as much as well. I do this for you to do this for us! Keep doing it!

May your achievements for the rest of this year be so great that the achievements from the first part of the year seem relatively minor.
Chika Ike:

I decree in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST the lord of host shall favour you more than ever and his mercy shall

Be honest, support good talent, don’t wait till it becomes fashionable to do so. Fake love can be spotted from miles away & it’s disgusting
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