Fate can be callous, indeed it can be, especially where Toyin Saraki is involved.
A healthcare philanthropist, a businesswoman with no political interest, Saraki has been the model of womanhood for years, playing her role as a mother, and a wife.
Showcasing her love for those outside her family, the woman has reached out to many via her Wellbeing Foundation Africa.
These have been the highlight of her person, as her pristine scorecard is indeed audacious, to say the least.
But like a settling volcano, the indelible mark of her excellence is begging to fade off like old memories.
Unlike in the past when she is either delivering a lecture or involved in advocacy, not much has been heard of the petite woman and her works in recent times.
Many have blamed the situation on the exit of her husband from active politics. Indeed, things were different when Bukola, her husband was still the third most important man in Nigeria.
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