These are not good times for the Director General of the Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), Sally Mbanefo, as the many calls made in the past to check her excesses seems to have caught the attention of members of her union.
As it is, the hierarchy of her union is asking for the removal of the woman over her financial recklessness.
Documents supplied to www.theoctopusnews.com has revealed several alleged cases of mismanagement and embezzlement with no answer to explain them.
Sources within the sector hinted us that the commission is suffering under the professionally lethargic Sally Mbanefo and the only thing people get to hear these days are tales of corruption, fraudulent practices and everything negative, a situation which has adversely affected the sector even in the international environment.
The situation Mbanefo has found herself in is so bad that she is said to be attempting to bribe her way with the Union against their wish to send her packing from the commission.
The tourism sector considered a major and additional source of resources to the country blossomed majorly under former tourism Director Generals, however it is hard to understand why it has continued to collapse with next to nothing in development to be seen under Mbanefo’s reign.
You will recollect that Mbanefo was sometimes back criticized for her shambolic one room Brazil Games Village, a sham which a lot of people said saw her pocketing millions of naira.
Below are documents made available to us.
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