Alhaji Mai Turere Abubakar, the Chairman Coalition of Northern Youths has advised Afenifere and others to call their children to order.
Alhaji Turere in a statement said:
“Nigeria as one indivisible entity, is a reality, many nations will fight to have. Our diverse cultures, resources and religions are an advantage many of us fail to see. We as law abiding youths from a particular part of the country have over the years tried to build bridges across our cultural divides. This has been in the best interest of us all.
Unfortunately, actions of some individuals have been threatening these bridges, and we feel its time to directly address an issue that has been lingering for so long.
“The beauty of a country like Nigeria is, every region has something unique; that if properly harnessed can add value to the collective progress of everyone. The western part of the country can be called the media hub of Africa. Your sons and daughters control the media space. This is something, we all should be proud of; but when actions tend to promote a tribalistic agenda, we should be careful.
“We are coming forward today because of the regular attack on some of our constituents, by media platforms within your circle. It is a known fact that platforms like Sahara Reporters, have over the years thrived on blackmail and falsehood. The effects of these actions and actions of others have kept the nation more divided than united. This is dangerous. The actions of these individuals have started having a tribalistic undertone, and we advise you address it before it’s too late.
“Just recently, Sahara Reporters, released a story linking the Controller General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ali (Rtd) and one of our very respected sons, the Dan Amanar Dutse, Alhaji Nasiru Haladu Danu to a fictitious 51 Billion Naira, Customs scandal. A scandal that only exists on their online platforms. This is not the first time Sahara Reporters has directly shared false information about Alhaji Nasiru and many other highly placed Northerners. Its now obvious it is deliberate.
“Peddling of rumors and fake news can damage the core of any society. Once the media is used spread falsehood in a bid to sow seeds of division and distrust; it can be seen as an act of war. America had one of its lowest moments a couple of months ago; when the core of its democracy was compromised, all because of division, speculations and mistrust.
“Lets avoid this
“With this open letter, we wish to respectively ask you to call the culprits to order. The likes of Sahara Reporters, Point Blank News and many other platforms known for such notorious acts are controlled by Youroba sons and daughters. Even the courts can’t control them anymore as Point Blank News disobeyed a direct court order, restraining them from publishing anything relating to Alhaji Nasiru Danu. This order was given shortly after a report by Pointblank, accusing Alhaji Nasiru of being deported and banned from entering London, was discovered to be fake and a misrepresentation of the facts. The online platform went ahead to publish the recent lies on a N51Bn scandal. This is not right.
“They are your children. Encourage them to embrace peace and preach the truth. We frown against these acts, and as a sign of love and respect bring our displeasure to your notice. If these actions linger, we will consolidate and act accordingly.
“Nigeria’s unity is our nation’s key to prosperity,” the statement concluded.
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