As the Big Brother Naija lockdown show continues, intrigues are emerging. One of the intrigues is a decision by Lucy to contemplate using a voluntary withdrawal...
Kiddwaya has emerged the latest Head Of House in the ongoing Big Brother Naija (BBN) lockdown show. He emerged winner having amassed the most points in...
Actress; Kate Henshaw has revealed how she felt when she conducted her COVID-19 test. The actress revealed this in a social media post while reacting to...
Thespian, Halima Abubakar has unveiled the face of her son. The actress who before now had guided the face of her child revealed it in a...
The Big Brother Naija Lockdown show is continuing with its intrigue as the show recorded its first single eviction. In its fourth week, another casualty was...
Ka3na has described Nengi time as Head Of House as confusing. The housemate who was evicted in the early stage of the reality show revealed...
Thespian, Ruth Kadiri, has expressed her opinion about what should be done to public officers who misuse public funds. She took to her Instagram page to...
New Big Brother Naija Head Of House, Erica, has revealed that it wasn’t easy not having s*x with Kiddwaya in the privacy of the HOH Lounge....
Erica has emerged the ‘Head Of House’ of the ongoing Big Brother Naija Lockdown show. She emerged winner after winning this week’s’ ‘Head Of House’ task...
Two housemates in the ongoing Big Brother Naija reality show have been given strikes by Big Brother, the unseen voice that coordinates the house. Kiddwaya and Erica...