Renowned movie maker, Tunde Kelani, has received a Presidential congratulation from President Buhari, as he turn 70. President Buhari expressed his hearty congratulations to the iconic...
Comedian, Owen Gee, has revealed that he almost committed suicide last year. Speaking, the comedian stated he almost committed suicide a couple of times in 2017,...
Caroline Danjuma is definitely in the market despite being a mother of three. The ex-wife of Musa Danjuma recently stepped out for an event wearing a...
Foluke Daramola is a known name in the movie industry. She has excelled as an actress, a producer and now doing well as a humanitarian. Recently,...
Achieving success is not peculiar to Nigerian entertainers. Just as Nigerian entertainers buy houses and exotic cars so do other Africa entertainers. One African actress who...
Bisi Alimi might have just rubbished the Nigerian movie industry known as Nollywood. Since the premiere of the movie Black Panther, one of the biggest talking...
Gay right activist, Bisi Alimi has come for one of Nigeria’s greatest actress in person of Genevieve Nnaji. Regarded as one of Nigeria’s finest having churned...
The tension between Tobi and Cee-c is getting worse by the day and Tobi seems to be fueling it. Since the pair were unpaired by Big...
One of the most talked about movies premiered in recent times remains Black Panther. The movie has been identified with by several high profile individuals and...
Actress, Foluke Daramola has been speaking on what motivated her to setup her foundation, PARA. Speaking during an interview, the thespian revealed that having been raped...