Reality show star, Pere has lost his Twitter verification badge. This follows the monitisation of the batch by Twitter owner, Elon Musk. Shortly after his verification...
Popular Nigerian thespian, Stephanie Okereke-Linus is celebrating the 11th wedding anniversary of her marriage with her husband, Linus Idahosa. The couple got married in 2012 and...
Comedian, Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY has vowed to file a suite against his colleague, Julius Agwu. This comes after Agwu accused him of hanging...
More shocking details are emerging as the face-off between comedians Bright Okpocha popular as Basketmouth and Ayo Makun also known as AY continues to be unraveled....
Sophia Williams, the former wife of Tchidi Chikere has reacted to reports that he has gotten married for the third time. Williams is the first ex-wife...
Movie producer, Tchidi Chikere has revealed he still has a cordial relationship with his ex-wife, Sophia Williams. The director who has been in three marriages till...
Movie producer, director and scriptwriter, Tchidi Chikere has married almost two years after parting ways with his former wife, Nuella Njubigbo. He revealed this in a...
Producer and film entrepreneur, Mary Remmy Njoku has reacted to the Achraf Hakimi divource drama. There have been unconfirmed reports of Hakimi’s wife not getting anything...
Comedian, Basketmouth has revealed that his separation from his wife Elsie is not a joke. Recall that in December 2022, the comedian released a statement on...
Reality television star, Tochi, has shared his thought on the kind of girlfriend to keep. According to the BNaija star, men should pick up their shoes...