Streaming platform, Showmax Nigeria has been slammed by users for its seemingly endless production of television series. This follows the announcement that yet another series titled...
Former Big Brother Naija (BBN) housemate, Rachel Edwards, has highlighted one of her priorities. The housemate who participated in the 2022 BBN reality show took to...
After years of slamming Apostle Johnson Suleiman with all sorts of allegation, Halima Abubakar has apologized to the man of God. Tendering a public apology to...
Nollywood star Leye Adeshile Kuti has taken to social media to plead for forgiveness from his wife Atinuke Adeshile Kuti. Though the handsome actor, currently residing...
…Seeks N3billion Damages Renowned screen diva and philanthropist, Halima Abubakar has instituted a legal action against Emeka Rollas, national president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria...
Renowned comedian and founder of “Enter D Lafta”, Edo Charles, has expressed his heartfelt gratitude after his comedy show was honored as the “Best Comedy...
It’s been a sad year already for actors in Nollywood with the passing of Sisi Quadri, Amaechi Muonagor, Jimi Solanke, John Okafor, Adejumoke Aderounmu, Junior Pope...
Seasoned actress, Lola Idije, has spoken up on a husband-snatching controversy involving her younger colleague, Biodun Okeowo. For some time now, Okeowo has been accused of...
Reality television star, Karen Igho has pleaded with her husband Yaroslav Rakos to allow her access to their children. Igho and her husband have been separated...
Actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo has started a big debate on what a man who can’t feed his family deserves. In a post online, the dark-complexioned man...