In recent times, Five Star Entertainment artiste manager, Soso Soberekon has been found in questionable circumstances. Barely escaping jail following his arrest by the police for...
Celebration seems to have taken residence in the home of the rich Indimi family. Only recently, talks of one of the sons of the family getting...
Great men are not respected by their timidity, but by the courageous steps that they take. This is why men like Obafemi Awolowo, Mahatma Ghandi and...
54-year-old Roberto Esquivel Cabrera has been tagged the man with the largest manhood in the world. The SunUK reports that the Mexican’s manhood measures 18.9inches. And...
Pastor Chris Okafor of Liberation City Church has gone through many travails in his ministry. Often times, the challenges that the man experiences comes from outside...
In a recent global survey of 1,000 corporations across 15 countries, commissioned by The Regus Group it was found that the levels of workplace stress...
The Valentine season, more often than not, leaves singles feeling out of place. Well, it doesn’t have to be so. Jumia Travel shares the following 3...
It is no gainsaying that social media is now an important feature in our lives. We interact with friends and family on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook....
The community based online marketplace Jumia Market is launching this week a new, improved version of its shopping platform, overhauling its design, signature color and its...
A Nigerian woman who was trafficked into Ireland and forced into prostitution narrated to the court how she was made to was have sex with up...