The annual Change A Life (CAL) show is just a few days away, and regular viewers have been wondering who will be joining anchor, Funmi Iyanda as she hosts the governor of Lagos State Babatunde Raji Fashola. If you are familiar with the show which holds every 1st of January you will know it involves discussions on topical issues and celebrities usually join in. It will not be different this time around, instead, it will be bigger. There will be D’Banj, radio presenters Matse and Toolz, Susan Eyo Honesty and others. Last year there was Davido, Ebuka, and Linda Ikeji.
According to CAL’s executive director, Jumoke Giwa, The show had always been relying on celebrities to give their opinion on issues over the years. “We have always had Nigerian celebrities on the Change-A-Live Annual Live TV Special. Featuring them on the show also depends on the issues to be discussed and the theme of the show. We invite guests who are able to address the issues we discuss on the show,” she said.
This year’s discussion will be a fusion of issues peculiar to women in our society including welfare of the girl child, girl child marriage issues, and increase in rate of sexual abuse. Since the governor will be around, also to be discussed is the new Lagos State Law protecting Women from domestic violence in Lagos and health problems women encounter.
Following the tradition for the show, deserving Nigerians will be honoured this year as well. There will be two awards this time around – Remi Lagos Award for Excellence and The Hero of the year award. The Remi Lagos Award will be going to Umoh Uwana. She is CAL’s most outstanding holistic educational scholarship beneficiary for 2013. Organisers are keeping the winner of the Hero of the year under wraps till the day of the live show.
What makes the show special is that viewers get to see their celebrities in a new light. It will be fun to see the serious side of the ‘Kokolete Master’ as he will be talking to the youth out there about the road to success. D’Banj will also be performing his hit songs live on the show. On the whole, the show promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.
The show will be aired on the 1st of January 2014 on the NTA network from 9am to 10:30am.
Change-A-Life (CAL) is a social service non-profit organization with the mission to act as a bridge between people with human, community and leadership potential yet great need and the individuals, agencies and organizations with the capacity and willingness to meet these people’s needs. The organization’s mandate is to identify the needs of people in our communities and channel our resources towards fulfilling those needs.
CAL’s primary focus is capacity building. Our program delivery is channelled through educational scholarships, business grants, young adult mentoring, adult and community education, women empowerment, and civic engagement.
Change-A-Life started as the vision of Funmi Iyanda, a Nigerian TV Star and Media Entrepreneur. Ms. Iyanda is also an ALIWA Fellow within the ASPEN Global Leadership Network. Ms. Iyanda started the Change-A-Life scheme in 2002 with the race to save a little boy who had a hole in the heart.
The Change-A-Life scheme was operated as an intervention project from 2002 till 2009. By 2009, it was modified to function as an education and health support scheme for the gifted yet poor children who have lost a parent or both. The organization also assists the parents and guardians of its educational beneficiaries by awarding grants for them to start or maintain their businesses. To accommodate more beneficiaries and also function as a full service social enterprise, Change-A-Life was incorporated as a non-governmental and non-profit organization in Nigeria in 2009. The organization is accessible to all people regardless of class, gender, colour, ethnicity, religion, age, and creed. The organization continues its work of intervening in the lives of vibrant, talented, gifted, determined and purposeful yet disadvantaged individuals, so that another human endowment is not lost or wasted.
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