Otunba Mike Adenuga
Those who know Otunba Mike Adenuga will tell you that he is not a party person. As such, when the news breezed in that he had been made the chairman of Peter Okoye’s wedding those who knew the man concluded that it simply going to be another party without the chairman present.
But as the verbose P-Square continued with the noise all in a bid to show their level of showmanship in the entertainment industry it soon became a story of sidon look, as a lot of people waited patiently to see if P-Square really had the weight they had been boasting of.
Alas, the day came and the chairman of Globacom Otunba, Mike Adenuga, was no where to be found.
www.theoctopusnews.com, can reveal to you and for free that at no time did Adenuga ever thought of attending the wedding because his love for parties is as minute as finding water in the desert.
Over the years, those who know Adenuga, will tell you that he is a man who loves siren environment, and party scenes scares him a lot.
In recent times, some of the important parties which he was expected to show up and did not attend eventually includes the burial ceremony of his socialite brother in-law Akin Temple, who was the younger brother of Adenuga’s wife Titi Adenuga.
Adenuga was recently shown a lot of love by his staffers who threw a big party to mark his birthday. www.theoctopusnews.com, learnt that on getting to the party and while he was about stepping into the venue his staffers started rooting for him and just like one lost in a maze Adenuga turned back, went into his car and drove off.
An associate of the business mogul once confided in www.theoctopusnews.com that but for the fact that Bella Disu was his beloved daughter he probably would have been absent at her wedding. You may recall that even when the officiating minister asked who was giving out the bride during the church wedding which took place at Cathedral Church of Christ in Marina, Lagos, Adenuga could barely answer.
If Adenuga could barely attend the wedding of his own child and did not attend the burial of his brother in-law, who then is P-Square, who Adenuga pays to work for him.
Akin Temple (Adenuga’s In-law)
Peter Okoye and his wife, Lola cutting their nuptial cake
Bella and Jameel Disu on their wedding day
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