A detailed check will revealed that Senator Florence Ita-Giwa has hardly been caught out of position. Like a schemer, the woman, at all times knows where her bread is buttered. Just when you think that you have seen or heard the last of her she returns with a new ace.
Having hit the age of 70, many thought that Ita-Giwa had finally reached the age where she would hold her peace, but she amazed all when she resurfaced as an active part of the Niger Delta stakeholder team which had a meeting with the Federal Government to bring an end to pipeline vandalization by the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND).
With that done and dusted, Ita-Giwa again went off radar only to return recently with a new ace tagged ‘Mothers of Ibibioland’. Speaking at a recent event, Ita-Giwa tagged herself the Chairman of the association spurring questions about her means of self positioning.
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