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Important Mindsets you need to succeed




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Life doesn’t just happen to you unless you let it, and your life will continually feel out of your control because you have chosen to relinquish control. In the end, your life is ultimately your creation and your mindset is the most important tool you need to shape it. Jumia Travel and Jumia Mobile Week share 6 important mindsets you need to succeed.

Self-Discovery is a Process

Life and living is a journey, therefore understand the process and be patient with it. Don’t be impatient and hurry through the different stages of your life. In the end you will have missed a lot of what you shouldn’t miss and have too many regrets. Be open to explore the unknown and be strong enough to deal with, embrace and learn from surprises and bumps along the way.

You are Responsible for Your Life

You need to learn to take responsibility for your life. You truly begin to live when you decide your life is your own and you alone are responsible for the quality of it, with no apologies, no excuses and no one to blame.

Not Everything Goes as Planned

Unfortunately, though most people know this, they often times forget. You need to understand that life isn’t perfect and things will not always turn out like you planned or imagined. This is why you need to learn to create safety nets and have back-up plans or measures in place to deal with these setbacks. Don’t let things take you unawares.

There is a Way Through, Under or Above Every Obstacle

Thomas Edison tried 1000 ways to create a light bulb. This man was resilient in a way that was almost ridiculous and at the 1001th try, he got it. Be like that. Learn persistence and resilience, understand that there is always a way out and don’t give up until you find it. What matters is not the obstacle but how you see it, react to it and if you keep your composure through it.

Done is Better than Perfect

It is important you understand that continuous improvement is better than perfection. Perfectionism is unhealthy primarily because it’s an unhealthy combination of high standards and brutal self-criticism. Truth is, the real world doesn’t reward perfectionists; the real world rewards people who get things done.

You Can Do It

Believe in yourself. Believe that you have what it takes to succeed, if you don’t, aside a miracle, there is little that can help you succeed. Even if by some amazing stroke of luck you do succeed, it won’t last because you don’t have what it takes to maintain it. Learn to believe in yourself.

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