Whether or not you believe it, everything in life is spiritual and God is interested in every aspect of man’s life most especially when it comes to leadership. In the olden days, there was never a king that emerged without the input of God in his reign. Infact, God was the major factor because he was always the one telling prophets to anoint a particular person for leadership.
It’s unfortunate that we have quickly forgotten the good old days when prophets were highly respected, we have allowed worldly things to overcome the fear of God, thereby disregarding His prophets.
There have been debates on the genuineness of acclaimed prophets and if God still speaks to them. The truth is God still speaks but human beings have proven adamant over the years and chose not to listen to the prophets of God. Although, they end up paying heavily for not listening and disobeying God’s prophet.
One of the many persons that suffered for disobeying God’s prophet is Kevin McCarthy, a United States politician whose bid to become the next speaker of the US House of Representatives was threatened with so much rejection from his party members.
The vote for the next speaker began four days ago and ordinarily, it should have been concluded on the first day but oppositions rose against him and even though his party; The Republican has the majority in the house, he failed to secure the required number to become the next speaker because about twenty party members voted against him.
It took several efforts for him to win the heart of the Republican members who voted against him. He has finally been elected as the US speaker to succeed Nancy Pelosi.
If only Kevin McCarthy listened to God’s warnings through his prophet, Primate Elijah Ayodele. The prophet revealed in October that Kevin McCarthy has what it takes to be the next speaker of the United States but he will face oppositions that will threaten his ambition unless he changes his strategy.
These were his words as captured in a video
”In United States, McCarthy must not sleep, I see someone coming out to oppose him and make the race difficult for him. There is need for prayers for McCarthy, He must take his matter very very serious”
Before then, Primate Ayodele revealed that the next speaker of the US house of reps would be Kevin McCarthy but made it known that it will not be without tough times. Of course, Kevin McCarthy will never forget anytime soon what he went through in the hands of his party members.
The drama that led to the emergence of Kevin McCarthy fulfilled the prophecy of Primate Ayodele in a very mysterious way. There is no prophet in the world that spoke on the election and this further echoes the uniqueness of Primate Ayodele’s prophetic ministry.
This is also a warning to Nigerian politicians who have been warned by Primate Ayodele severally especially regarding the presidential election happening next month. Primate Ayodele warned the PDP against choosing Iyorchia Ayu as its national chairman then but they never listened and now, his chairmanship is responsible for the crisis faced in the opposition party. His continued grip on power in the party made five governors to withdraw from Atiku’s presidential ambition which is very dangerous for the opposition party.
It is time for politicians to start listening to Prophets like Primate Ayodele because he never says a word without coming to pass. He is indeed a prophet whose words are divinely orchestrated. When such words are ignored, the repercussions are definitely inevitable.
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