Humblesmith recently dropped his debut album titled ‘Osinachi’. He spoke about it, his humble beginnings and more in this interview.
You just released your debut album, how does it feel to finally be out?
I feel so fulfilled, I feel blessed, I feel loved. I appreciate everybody, all my fans that have been supporting me. I appreciate the entire entertainment industry for making it possible for me to drop my debut album. I am so grateful to God almighty for all the love, support and all of the blessings.
The album took a while before it dropped, what delayed it?
I love my fans so much and I love my job so much too. I don’t joke with my job, so I took my time to make a good album. It is not something you just jump in and bring out, it is something that you have to take your time to do. Besides this, Ntyze Entertainment likes to get whatever they are doing right. So, we took our time and at the end of the day the album is out and everybody is loving it. It is the real purpose.
How successful has the reception been since it dropped?
It’s been fun and a whole lot has changed. I am enjoying it, we are just getting started, the world will see more. They have not seen anything. This is just the beginning.
You named the album after a massively successful single Osinachi, what motivated this?
Judging from everything I had gone through in the industry and my life, I am just a living testimony of God’s goodness. Making the album happen was God, the artistes I featured on the album was God. It was all by the grace of God.
Is the money rolling in now?
It is rolling in by the grace of God.
You are indeed a humble person, what informed your humility?
This is just me being myself. It is the way I was brought up.
Tell us about your growing up, what was it like?
Growing up was quite challenging, it was rough, but the most important thing was that I learnt a lot from my growing up. I grew up in a family of eight and everybody in the family is trying their best to make a living. Many thanks to mum and dad for making sure they brought us up well. I recall during my childhood I was hawking on the street, but I thank God for where I am today. Like I said before, I am a living testimony.
Ntyze Record was barely known before you came on board as its flagship artiste, tell us about the label
It is a good label and they are going to takeover, trust me. They are different from a whole lot of labels, they have potentials that a lot of labels don’t have and very soon the world will start noticing Ntyze Record. The world should watch out for Ntyze Record, the world should watch out for Humblesmith, we are taking over.
Artistes and label palaver is very common in this industry, is it likely to arise between you and your label?
We are not praying for that.
You have a song with Davido, what is your relationship with him like?
Davido is a senior colleague, a friend and a great guy, who is making Africa proud and I love him for that.
You got dragged into Davido’s issues with his Baby mama Sophie and her uncle Dele Momodu, were you not worried such could smear your young career?
I wasn’t worried. It is business, it was all about entertainment, we create entertainment, we give people what to talk about, so it wasn’t a problem. Its music and Osinachi means everything from God. Music is all about you, your lifestyle and the story of your life. People need to know what is going on with you, so it wasn’t a problem.
Tell us your influences in the music industry, who do you look up?
I grew up listening to Bright Chimezie, he is the best highlife musicians we have in Africa. He was my biggest influence. Then there are Michael Jackson, Akon, Lil Baw wow and a lot of them. I look up to those who were there before me and we are going to do it even more than they did it.
How are you handling the increasing female attention?
Everything that is sweet attracts interest. It’s like honey which attracts bees and flies. By the grace of God and the little wisdom that we have we are managing it.
What is the main objective of this album?
The plan is to promote the album to ensure that it becomes the biggest in Africa and for it to be recognized worldwide. I want those who are my fans and those who are not my fans yet to become my fans. I want the album to get across. People should listen to the album and not just listen to it, but know the story behind it and let the accolades start coming.
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