Organisers have announced that the first ever Nigeria Environment Award will be holding soon. According to them, it is high time for Nigerians to pay more attention to the environment like the rest of the world is currently doing.
Ibinabo Fiberesima, the producer of the award said this while addressing men of the press in Lagos on the 5th of June 2018, the World Environment Day.
According to her, the award is meant to recognise organisations and governments who are taking the matters of a clean environment seriously and also to encourage those who are not.
Below is the full text of the message by Fiberesima
Gentlemen of the press,
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
Today we commemorate the World Environmental Day 2018 wth the theme Beat Plastic Solution. We, The Miss Earth Nigeria Organization, advocates the total eradication of plastic bottles instead have your own reusable water bottle.
Stop carrying bags but have your own shopping bags that you can always reuse to the market or shop.
We encourage every home, office to separate waste ant to encourage recycling initiatives, bottles, papers, plastics etc
It is with great pleasure and honour that the Miss Earth Nigeria organizers under the management of Serendipity media Ltd presentMiss Earth Nigeria Environment Award, MENEA.
Miss Earth Nigeria is a prestigious environmentally-themed beauty pageant which started in 2002.
Serendipity Media has formed Miss Earth Foundation with focus on environmental conservation and sustainable ecosystem management.
The Miss Earth Nigeria Environment Award, MENEA, will hold in October, 2018. We are fully committed to making this award a great success.
Why the Awards?
Miss Earth Nigeria Environment Award, MENEA is to encourage a sustainable pro active environment in Nigeria. It is to celebrate those who are already environmental friendly and have gone green, to also inspire others to go green, because the world is green.
The Award seeks to acknowledge States, corporations and individuals in Nigeria that have achieved significant environmental footprints and have support for waste management, parks, green zones, renewable sources of energy, Tourism, ecological management and wild life preservation.
The categories include but not limited to the following:-
a. Sustainable Banking Industries
b. Recycling/Upcycling Industries
c. Best collaboration for environmental sustainability
d. Renewable Energy Sector
e. Best State Government with sustainable urban renewal projects
f. Best State Government with Ecological solutions
In determining who deserves to win this award, the state/individual/corporation must excel in all or most of the following seven comprehensive criteria:
The ability to: reduce, re-use, and/or recycle waste: waste collection and disposal, attitude to waste and efforts to reprocess or treat waste in order to recover value or energy.
Priorities for waste
Plan for sustainable waste management
Must design and provide appropriate ways of collecting and disposing waste and minimizing the amount of household and industrial waste.
Dealing with waste
Recycle waste especially those generated from homes, markets, commercial and industrial wastes.
Turn waste into energy
The conversion of waste into energy should be adhered to as it reduces the waste requiring disposal in landfills.
The state should also recognize the need to set up appropriate policies and relevant authority in charge of waste management.
Green infrastructure is the network of green elements in and around the city. This includes public and private spaces, such as parks, gardens, cemeteries, trees, green roofs and natural landscape features such as woodland, grassland and wetlands. With good planning and design, these green assets can help cities to cope with some of the extreme effects of climate change and would encourage the establishment of recreational centres.
The benefits of a green infrastructure network include making places more attractive, healthier, and economically competitive. State governments can improve the green infrastructure at the heart of urban design and management.
Priorities for green infrastructure
Integrate green infrastructure into and around the city
Well designed green infrastructure can enhance the visual amenity and value of our existing places and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Promote environmental greening
Through tree planting and related activities
Help wildlife adapt to climate change
Wildlife adapt more easily with the help of well-designed green spaces
A public space refers to an area or place that is open and accessible to all citizens. This includes streets, civic centres, parks and gardens. Well-designed and managed public space is an integral part of the character, economic attractiveness and uniqueness of a place. The quality of public space plays a major role in the economic, social and environmental viability of our cities.
The benefits of a well-designed and managed public space include encouraging social interaction and community cohesion as well as a more outdoor lifestyle, reducing stress levels and adapting to a changing climate. The state has a role in managing public spaces as vital assets through appointing public space champions and regenerating streets as active and comfortable spaces.
Priorities for public space
Maximize the potential of public space
i. What landscape features are present? How do they contribute to the unique or special nature of the space?
ii. How does the space accommodate pedestrians or others whose access to the space is by transit, bicycles, or other means? Is the space welcoming to those with physical disabilities or others with special needs?
iii. What activities make the space attractive to people and encourage social interaction? (Commerce, entertainment or performances, recreational or sporting, cultural, markets or vending, exhibits, fairs, festivals, special events, etc.)
iv. What purpose does it serve for the surrounding community?
v. What makes this public space stand out? What makes it extraordinary?
vi. What is the history of the space, and how is it remembered or passed on from one generation to the next?
vii. Is there commitment to maintain the space and to keep it a usable space over time?
Adapt to climate change
The Public space should play a key role in helping cities adapt to climate change through cost-effective and low technology measures.
Adapting to climate change will mean looking at new ways of designing streets, parks and civic spaces and improving existing ones. The main issues are:
- Hotter temperatures mean a greater need for shade and provision of seating and rest areas as more people spend time outdoors. This has implications for the incorporation of trees into streets and spaces, the width, dimensions and layout of street networks and the choice of design elements in public spaces.
- A holistic approach to developing environmentally friendly neighbor hoods, new approaches to sustainable urban drainage, thereby combating the issue of flooding during rainy season.
The safe supply of drinking water and the disposal of waste water are essential for urban and rural settlement. Sustainable water management means providing clean water to the citizens of the state while minimizing the effect of unsafe water and the need for water recycling.
The benefits of sustainable water management includes; reducing the risk of flooding, supporting cooler microclimates, providing opportunities for recreation and lowering environmental and economic costs. The states can help achieve this by providing clean water for their citizens, establishing water catchment-based strategies, managing demand for potable water, providing and promoting rainwater harvesting for gardens and public spaces and preserving wetlands and habitats.
Priorities for Water
Manage water and risks associated with it
Surface water management is becoming more challenging with change in climate.
Encourage sustainable water use
Using technology and water-conserving practices to minimize wasting water.
Protect water sources
Taking water from rivers can harm wildlife and has aesthetic costs.
Transport planning can also tackle health, economic and quality of life of its people. State governments should work towards increasing vehicle efficiency and more sustainable modes of transport. Also, transport should be linked with general urban planning in such a way that different parts of the state are connected. Equally important is the location and connectivity of homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, leisure facilities and green spaces. The role of street patterns and design to make it easier to walk, cycle or take public transport to school, work, leisure, shopping etc.
Priorities for Transport
Encourage clean public transport
Providing high quality environments that encourage people to walk or cycle by providing good accessible roads and help promote better health, wellbeing and a better quality of life for all.
Improve the carbon efficiency of vehicles
An effective road networking will aid to reduce the number and length of trips as well as vehicle gas emission which have a negative impact on our environment.
Concerted efforts to improving the living standards in the urban areas, redevelopment of facilities and cycle of slum areas within the cities.
1. Effective and sustainable management of erosion, gullies and environmental degradation.
2. Adaptive environmental assessment and management.
3. Terrestrial ecosystem based management on land conservation, water and grazing rights.
1. Raise awareness on environmental issues
2. Organize campaigns to promote better environment.
3. Produce publicity materials on environment
4. Committed to environmental issues to make positive impact.
What are some benefits of biodiversity?
Economic and Environmental Benefits of Biodiversity … Pollinators, including bees and butterflies, provide significant environmental and economic benefits to agricultural and natural ecosystems, including adding diversity and productivity to food crops.
Thank you
Ibinabo Fiberesima
President /National Franchise Director
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