Olashore International School is canvassing for teachers to be emotionally literate especially in dealing with their students, by taking cognizance of the Social and Emotional Aspect of Learning (SEAL) of students as a way to help improve the academic performances of the students. This was stated at the Olashore Teachers Training Programme for Olashore Partner Schools, held in Lagos recently.
With the theme of training titled ’21st Century Challenges and Remedies in Teaching And Learning, the second edition of the training programme is a social responsibility initiate geared at creating a forum where teachers from partner schools can share ideas on improving self and effectiveness. The Partner Schools are some Lagos private primary schools in partnership with Olashore International School.
The first facilitator, Bradford College Trained Teacher, and an Olashore Master Teacher in Physics department, Mr. Jatto John highlighted the relevance of SEAL. According to him, the positive social and economic well-being of a student, enables him/her to become more effective and confident learning individually while developing their skills in group learning, and fostering team spirit and collaborative learning. “SEAL can affect a student’s academic performance both positively and negatively. It will be good for a teacher to have a reasonable insight into the background of the child in order to manage interactions. If a child knows that you empathize with him or her, they pay more attention during classes, and positive responses will be seen in the child’s academics. In order to manage students’ behavior, certain skills should be employed such as Self-awareness, emotional management, empathy, motivation, and social interaction. I believe that SEAL can assist in the overall behavior of a student. To be emotionally literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that improves your personal power and improves your quality of life and equally important, the quality of life for the people around you. My advice to Nigerian teachers and teachers all over the world is for them to exercise patience in teaching so that they can carry students along”.
On a similar note, the second facilitator, who also is a Bradford College Trained Teacher, and an Olashore Master Teacher in Chemistry, explains that people learn better when they are interested, involved, and appropriately challenged by the work. His explanation was spurred off from his lecture on Active Engagement Techniques. According to him, “Active engagement techniques in teaching and learning will allow for on the surface learning but deeper learning. In order to develop engagements, a good teacher-pupil relationship has to be developed, physical environments has to be attended to and clearly defining routines and ground rules”. He further highlighted the strategies of thinking skills to include classification, odd man-out, mysteries, and Mapping. Speaking further on the benefits of the training, he stated “the benefits of the training are numerous. Olashore takes the lead in providing this opportunity, a forum where participants from various schools can come together with a facilitator to identify challenges, issues, and proffer solutions as far as teaching and learning is concerned. Teachers have to know the purpose of which they are in the profession, update themselves, and seek improvement all the time. This forum however will allow teachers share ideas on how to make their students move from the surface learning to deep learning, how to query logical statements, how to make them more critical, how to simulate logical scenarios”.
Some of the participants spoke on their views. According to Mrs. Doyinsola Adebumeyin, a Montessori Directoress from the Learning Place Montessori School, she explains ‘This training has enabled me get a lot more ideas and tips on what to do and what not to do in teaching. For me I really enjoyed coming here because I will be going back to my environment, not just to my class work, but also to share with my colleagues, so that together, we will raise children in a better place. One of the facilitators spoke about it being a continuum and I look forward to it happening more frequently so we can learn more.”
For Mr. Tachie-Menson Gafari, a teacher from the Diamonds Private School, the training is worth the while. “I have learnt how to improve and also how to help my students learn deeply. Olashore International School did well to have put this training together. It shows how they contributing towards improving education in Nigeria. This is the second time I’m attending this training program, and it has made a huge impact in my life.”
The School in attendance were; Amvil school, Salvation International School, The Learning Place, Diamonds Private School, Imperial Gate School, and Heritage House School.
Established in 1994, on 60 acres of land, Olashore International School is a co-educational school which offers high caliber education in a wide range of subjects at Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary and a University Foundation Programme in partnership with Lancaster University. Over the past 20 years, the school has succeeded in creating a community of world class services around the school including a first class hotel, a golf course and Leadership training centre that all combine to give the school a unique identity. The school is particularly appealing to discerning Nigerians at home and abroad, as well as expatriates residing in Nigeria, who desire a school with a strong value system, demonstrable track record and a clear sense of purpose.
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