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President Robert Mugabe: How Prophet Joshua Iginla Predicted His Dethronement



Robert Mugabe
  • ” I commend the military for their professionalism”
    • It is no more news that President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has been dethroned by the military in the country and was placed under house arrest for a while after he refused to resign and was making plans to replace himself with his wife, Grace Mugabe.
       Interestingly, Prior to this, Popular international Prophet who simply like to be addressed as Bro.  Joshua Iginla, shepherd in charge of Christ Royal Assembly, Abuja, has predicted this development in several live services in his church.
      He predicted it first during the cross over service this year and again on the 14th of May 2017 during a live service. In his words, ‘’ One of the African country needs to pray against military intervention, I don’t want to say South,  North, East, west Africa but  one of the African countries should pray against military intervention so that their democracy will not be truncated’
      Watch Where Iginla Prophesied About Mugabe HERE
      Laying more emphasis, he said this for the third time on the 2nd of July , ‘’ I see military intervention, I don’t know why they are intervening, what they are intervening for is between God and the future. This country has to pray so they don’t go back to where they are coming from’.
      The philanthropic clergy known for his humility and simplicity stated that he is not particular about the removal of Mugabe but that the right person should take charge.
      Furthermore,  he commended the military for not staging a coup but simply intervening according to the message God gave him for Zimbabwe.  He appreciated their professionalism and also raised a prayer altar for the country.  This according to him is because they are not particular about removal of Mugabe but enthroning the will of God at the helm of affairs in Zimbabwe.
      In confirmation, On November 14, 2017, it was reported that the Military took over from the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe and has also placed him under a house arrest.

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