Snapchat may not be exactly new, but it is only getting more and more interesting! It may seem pointless, a social media platform that deletes your work after 24 hours, however it can be the most sensible option if you are on the road. If you are wondering how this is so,, Africa’s No.1 online hotel booking site shares Snapchat is great for travel.
It works offline
Unlike most other social apps that require a strong connection to the internet to record videos, Snapchat allows its users to record “snaps” even while there is no internet connection, that way, they can just upload them to their story later when they are connected. This is a very great feature when travelling as most time the internet connection may be unstable and some spots might not even have any Wifi at all. You audience get the chance to see you even while you are in the most remote locations.
You capture raw footage
Most social apps allow the user to use too many editing features (especially the filter option) that most times, post are more fake than real. With Snapchat however, every single footage is real. What you see is what you always get online. The travel via Snapchat has opportunities to share unfiltered behind the scenes look as they go as there is limited effects .
Your friends and family stay connected in real time
A huge selling point for the Snapchat app is that is records in real time. You cannot upload external recordings or add pre-recorded footages from other sources. For travelers who want to stay in touch with their family and friends, or travel bloggers who want to include their audience in their travels, they can show them what they are doing at the exact time they are doing it, and it all adds some sort of suspense to the entire travel story, making it all the more exciting and inspiring.
It is just fun and easy
Snapchat sees sophisticated and so, many tend to run away from using it, however, it is actually very easy to use and is so much fun. The app lets its users know what they are up to, but in a way that is utterly fun. The face effects are great and mostly silly. They get updated and changed regularly, so it is always fun to see which of the effects you will get. You can also add Geofilters, fun Emoji icons and minimal text to help the story along.
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