As the Big Brother Naija lockdown show continues, intrigues are emerging. One of the intrigues is a decision by Lucy to contemplate using a voluntary withdrawal...
Two housemates in the ongoing Big Brother Naija reality show have been given strikes by Big Brother, the unseen voice that coordinates the house. Kiddwaya and Erica...
The fifth edition of Big Brother Naija (BBN) has kicked off. The 20 contestants were unveiled in the premiere edition of the lockdown show which kicked-off...
Big Brother Naija housemate Thelma has insinuated that she is still a virgin. The chocolate-complexion 27-year-old celebrity made the insinuation on social media when she wrote:...
It was an eviction free weekend for housemates of Big Brother Naija reality show. Frodd, Diane, Mercy and Cindy had been up for eviction in she...
Barely hours after being evicted from the Big Brother Naija house, Gedoni, has launched his defence. Among other things, he is denying having sex with...
As the Big Brother Naija show continue, another housemate has been evicted. Thelma became the seventh housemate to be evicted the show. Her eviction follow that...
A ban of ongoing reality show Big Brother Naija has been called for by the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC). The group called for the ban of...
Big Brother Naija housemate Gifty has revealed that she is now married to her baby daddy. This comes as the controversy surrounding the parternity of her...
Its weeks to Christmas and people need to be careful on the road. Former Big Brother Naija housemate Khloe is a preacher of this message, having...