A campaign to save Laycon from eviction has kicked off among his fans. As the show draws to a close, and with 11 contestants left in...
Following Erica’s meltdown with Laycon after the Saturday party, Kiddwaya her love interest in the house has been speaking. Recall that a very drunk Erica went...
Erica has declared a war against Laycon and Vee, tagging them her enemies in the Big Brother House. Explaining why she declared them her enemy, Erica...
There was serious trouble in the Big Brother Naija Lockdown show on Saturday, September 5, as Erica came for Laycon. Trouble started when Erica complained about...
Big Brother Naija housemate, Vee, has revealed that she cant wait to get down with her love interest Neo. The housemate who is contesting for N85...
Amidst his possible eviction; Big Brother Naija Housemate; Laycon has been caught in another drama. The music talent who is fancied as one of the likely...
Kiddwaya has emerged the latest Head Of House in the ongoing Big Brother Naija (BBN) lockdown show. He emerged winner having amassed the most points in...