Big Brother Naija (BBN) star, Maria Chike has released photos from a new baby bump shoot. Unlike the initially released shoot to announce her pregnancy, where...
Pregnant reality show star, Maria Chike has stepped out with her baby bump. The beauty was spotted with her man, Kevin, days after she announced her...
Former Big Brother Naija (BBN) reality show housemate, Maria Chike, is expecting her first any. Although it is not certain who the father of her baby...
Reality show star, Maria Chike, has denied claims that she crashed her boyfriend, Kevin’s previous marriage. Recall that after she left the reality TV show, rumors...
Reality show star, Maria Chike has apologized to Apostle Joshua Selman for mistaking him for the man of God she was accused of dating. Recall that...
Big Brother Naija (BBN) star, Maria Chike, has reacted to reports of her snatching another woman’s husband. According to the fair-complexioned beauty, she neither snatched anybody’s...
Big Brother Naija (BBN) reality show star, Maria Chike, is currently being trailed by an age controversy. This comes as a Twitter user questioned the claim...
The younger brother of Maria Chike’s boyfriend has reacted to the topless beach photos which she shared days back. Recall that the Big Brother Naija reality...
Big Brother Naija star, Maria Chike, has announced that she has tested positive for Covid-19. The beauty told her fans of her situation in a recent...
Energy Bank, the younger brother of Kelvin Anene, the man who Big Brother Naija star Maria Chike allegedly snatched from his wife is sure standing by...