Sean Tizzle Sean Tizzle, Oritsefemi and Sheyman headlined the show when “Lock Down Nite with Naija Celebrities” celebrated its re-launch party. The monthly celebrity club party...
El-Phlex; is a music group consisting of two brothers. In this interview with our REPORTER, they talked about the challenges of the music industry, School...
Yemi Rush; real name Akinyemi Akisanmi is back with a new single. The music act who found his love for music at a tender age as...
El-Phlex El-Phlex is set to release its latest single titled “Low Waist” and produced by SeanKeyz. The song; is coming off their much awaited debut album...
Elphlex El-Phlex has set to release the last single “Low Waist” produced by SeanKeyz off their much awaited debut album (School Of Thought) which will be...
Reminisce Edge Record artiste Reminisce gave out a special gift to celebrate the Valentine day. The artiste, celebrated the Valentine with ladies he considered special singing...
Multi-award winning actress, Funke Akindele, turned 36 on Saturday, August 24. To celebrate the lady, friends and colleagues threw a surprise birthday party for her at...