The man named Steve Olufemi Sodiya is a seasoned filmmaker with over 30 years of experience. Undoubtedly, He has worked on so many projects over...
Alagba Tunde Kelani, the literary cinematographer and the Chairman of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), have said the fight against piracy is a collaborative by...
Renowned movie maker, Tunde Kelani, has received a Presidential congratulation from President Buhari, as he turn 70. President Buhari expressed his hearty congratulations to the iconic...
For over 15 years, versatile movie director and Chief Executive Officer of Da Cinema Productions, Samuel Omojowo, has held sway in the Nigerian entertainment industry, directing...
Mainframe Film and Media Institute has thrown its doors open for interested new entrants. The film school, owned by Tunde Kelani will train individuals from scratch...