The duo of Venita Akpofure and Adekunle have fallen out. This is as their romance appears to have hit the rock. In what appears to be...
Most people will remember the history between Vee Iye, a former Big Brother Naija housemate and Venita Akpofure. For the benefit of those who either don’t...
Venita Akpofure has jumped on the misunderstanding between Fancy Acholonu and actor, Alex Ekubo. Acholonu and Ekubo had been a couple before they fell out and...
Former Big Brother Naija star, Venita Akpofure, has revealed the secret behind her dashing body. According to the reality star, she had cosmetic surgery done to...
The Big Brother Naija (BBN) Lockdown show might have come to an end, but reactions are still coming in. One of such reactions is from reality...
One of the most beautiful housemates in the ongoing Big Brother Naija show has been evicted. Venita Akpofure was shown the way out of the show...