GMD NNPC, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu

Mariam Kene Kachikwu

Dr. Ibe Kachikwu with wife, Elizabeth
The aura with which Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu carries himself is no doubt that of a polished and highly enlightened man.
Prior to his appointment as the boss of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), he enjoyed his life with his business interests spreading far and wide including the hospitality and publishing sector.
However, with his appointment came new discoveries about him.
A report credited to an online media not www.theoctopusnews.com might have blown off the lid off a can of warms which Kachikwu never wanted opened.
Presently, there are various reports making the rounds about the number of wives which the man has. While some people have been quick to say Kachikwu has two wives namely Mariam and Elizabeth, there is another group who hold the opinion that his women are actually three namely Mariam, Elizabeth and another which is said to be off radars.
Interestingly, while the new helmsman of NNPC is believed to be capable of turning around the fortunes of the oil industry indications coming from his personal business are pointing to the other way, as most of them eventually fail after a while.
The exploits of Hint Magazine’s several years back would be remembered by many. However, the manner with which the fortunes of the magazine dwindled despite the injection of several millions of Naira times without number is a nightmare to a lot of people.
As it is, those who know the man are saying indeed he has three wives, three other children and a grandchild, Mesomachi from his daughter Nkem. There is also another school of thought saying Kachikwu has since divourced Mariam his wife who is gifted with brains.
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