The rainy season has resumed with full force, and if you are living in or visiting Nigeria, you may have already felt a sting or two of mosquitoes bites. Being bitten by an insects such as mosquitoes can put a damper on holiday fun and potentially transmit diseases like Malaria. Most visitors have testified that the mosquitoes in the country have iron teeth and that the common commercial bug sprays which contain toxins and chemicals even harmful to humans, do not kill them or reduce their terror.
All concerns are well-justified. However, mosquitoes should not be enough reason to stop you from visiting Nigeria this rainy season. Fortunately, Africa’s No.1 online hotel booking site has put together 7 tips to help anyone survive these mosquitoes which plague many during rainy season. Good thing is you may not need to buy insecticides if you can apply these tips.

Stay indoors at peak times
Mosquitoes are sometimes considered nocturnal insects as they attack mostly at dawn and at dusk. The best way to avoid mosquito bites is by avoiding contact with them in the first place. Plan your movements such that you are indoors around those peak times when they are most active.
Stay in cool environments, control sweating
It is no secret, at least to Nigerians who have had to deal with mosquitoes over the years, that mosquitoes are attracted to people who sweat or people with higher body temperatures. The hot body temperature sends signals to mosquitoes that the buffet is now open. It is important to stay as cool and dry as you can. Also, use a fan and air conditioner whenever you can.

Stay away from alcohol
This may come as surprise, but it appears mosquitoes are alcoholics. For reasons yet unknown, mosquitoes are attracted to those who consume alcohol more than those that do not. So, if you want to steer clear of mosquitoes, you may want to put a pin on your drinking, or at least ensure your location is secure before drinking.
Watch how you dress
You may think mosquitoes are too tiny and they do not have eyes enough to notice what you are wearing…wrong! Dark clothing seems to be more attractive to mosquitoes than light coloured outfits. If you want to survive mosquitoes, try wearing light colored clothes which are not too tight, preferably long sleeved shirts with long pants and socks .

Ensure you have a good drainage system and treat stagnant water
Mosquitoes breed in shrubby areas and stagnant water. To ensure you do not encourage breeding, carefully drain and remove any objects that may collect water around your house and yard. Also, treat water with chemicals and oils that are toxic for mosquitoes but considered safe for humans.
Plant herbs that repel mosquitoes around the house
Certain herbs are very good mosquito repellants. Plant such plants as marigolds, lavender, basil, peppermint and lemon balm around your living area or in pots around your door or porch to keep mosquitoes away. In addition, you can crush and rub some on your skin for a natural repellent.

Take a pass on perfume
Perfumes are great, but they can be a huge magnet for mosquitoes. Just as you find the aroma pleasing, chances are mosquitoes find them pleasing as well. Floral scents tend to be the most appealing to them, so, to save your skin and avoid being eaten alive, skip the perfume and opt for scent-free soaps, lotions and deodorant instead.