Prophet Joshua Iginla

Prophet Chris Okafor

Prophet Elijah Babatunde Ayodele

His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji
Predictions and prophesies are attributes now common with men of God. In fact, any prophet who is not ready to predict the outcome of either a football match or an election is not considered really serious, ask TB Joshua.
Hence, names such as Sat Guru Maharaji Ji, Brother Joshua Iginla, Elija Babatunde Ayodele, Prophet Chris Okafor, among others have been seen in the fore-front of such predictions.
Prior to the recently held election many a prophet had predicted President Goodluck Ebele’s Jonathans victory, but alas when the Independent National Electoral Commission Chairman Atahiru Jega announced he final results it went the way of the opposition party All Progressive Congress (APC), and its candidate in person of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari.
Though it didn’t come, as a rude shock, as the handwriting had already been seen on the wall. However, what was a rude shock was the fact that it was a victory against all predictions and prophesy leaving a lot of people wondering what went wrong.
Some of the prophets who erronously predicted Jonathan’s victory includes Primate Olabayo, pastor and founder of Envagelical Church of Yahweh, Lagos, Prophet Chris Okafor of Liberation City, Lagos, Prophet Joshua Iginla of Champion Royal Assembly, Abuja among several others.
During an interview session, when asked what he meant by the seat of the president is not vacant Olubayo answered “God has revealed to me that if at all there is going to be presidential election, it will be inconclusive just like (the June 12,) that we had during the time of the late Chief MKO Abiola who flew the flag of the Social Democratic Party under the military administration of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.”
Another prophet who also spoke on the outcome of the elction is Iginla. Iginla spoke during a special church service which held in his church at Kubwa, Abuja. An excerpt of his prediction reads thus “I am not a politician nor belong to any political party, I am just speaking God’s mind. The person sitting on the seat might not be perfect, but he will retain the seat. It’s not guess work. Howbeit, it will be a battle between the lion and the tiger. President Jonathan will win, but he has to pray about his health and so many political blows.” If Iginla had missed the winner of the election in his prediction he was however right about onething and that remains that the election woud be keenly contested and that Nigeria would not split.
Chris Okafor’s prediction also did not come to pass, as the man was been categorically quoted by Encomium Weekly saying “God spoke to me exclusively that the current president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan will be Nigeria’s president after 2015 general elections.”
Interestingly, he has also been quoted in an interview with Encomium Weekly where he revealed that “President Jonathan will again win the next election, and if he doesn’t that means he wasn’t called of God.”
Other prophets who also missed he bull’s eye with their predictions include but not limited to the Spiritual Leader of One Love Family, Sat Guru Maharaji Ji, Primate Elijah Ayodele Babatunde of Inri Envagelical Spiritual Church.
Interstingly, it has been said by some prophets that God has a way of revealing what will happen, but changes it if the person involved falls out of line. Was this the case of President Jonathan?
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