A strongly worded message to hold the abductors of the Kankara schoolboys accountable has been sent by the US Embassy to President Muhammadu Buhari.
In a tweet on Thursday, December 17, the US mission in Nigeria condemned the kidnap of the boys and offered its condolences to the affected families.
The mission also expressed deep regret over the security guard killed in the attack on that ill-fated day. It went on to say that schools should be a safe place “where children can learn and thrive.”
It called on the government to do all it can to arrest the perpetrators of this crime.
Its full statement read: “The United States condemns the violent kidnapping of over 300 boys from the Government Secondary Science School in Kankara, Katsina state on December 11.
“We offer our sincere sympathies to the families of the missing students and the security guard killed in the attack. School should be a safe place where children can learn and thrive.
“The boys must be returned to their families immediately and those responsible for this attack held accountable to the full extent of the law.”
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