“The latest crisis has its roots in the clamor by the North to regain the chairmanship of the PDP, barely three months after Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu resigned from the position allowing for Prince Uche Secondus, his deputy from Rivers State, to assume office as acting national chairman in June.”
Days ago, a former aide of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Ahmed Gulak, who stormed the Wadata House headquarters of the PDP in Abuja had asked Secondus to vacate the seat, on the premise that the seat was meant to be occupied by the North.
Gulak told journalists on Tuesday that he had informed members of the National Working Committee of the PDP that Secondus should leave office immediately. He said he had submitted a letter to the NWC, informing the members that another person from the North-East should replace Mu’azu.
He said, “My visit was to bring in writing to the notice of the party my intention to replace the former National Chairman of the party, after his voluntary resignation”.
“The resignation of the former chairman was done voluntarily. And maybe due to the disastrous outing of the party in the last elections, he decided to resign as a man who wants to take responsibility for his actions”.
“The position of the constitution is that when a principal officer of the party resigns, the replacement should come from the zone from which the former person had come”, Gulak added.
Another delegate from Mopa Moro who shared the same belief as the earlier delegate said “It now seems